Dr. Jesse Conrad Fletcher

HSU President Emeritus, 社区 Leader, Church Historian, and Author

Jesse Conrad Fletcher was born on April 9, 1931, 在圣安东尼奥, 德州, to insurance executive Jesse N. Fletcher and Ruby Arnold Fletcher. After attending public schools 在圣安东尼奥, 1948年,杰西从托马斯·杰斐逊高中毕业,当时他是高中副校长, managing editor of the school newspaper, a member of the National Honor Society, and played on the golf team.

Following high school graduation, Jesse enrolled in 德州 A & M University, majoring in business administration. Before receiving a bachelor of business administration degree in 1952, he distinguished himself as a leader, a lieutenant colonel in the Corps of Cadets, an honor student and a two-year letterman in golf. In his senior year of undergraduate study at A & 他被圣安东尼奥的马诺浸信会授予布道执照并被任命为牧师.

After receiving a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1952, 杰西就读于西南浸信会神学院,在那里他获得了神学硕士学位和哲学博士学位. His post-graduate studies include terms at the Chaplain’s School at Fort Slocum, 纽约, the Institute of Religion at the 德州 Medical Center in Houston, and the University of Richmond.

1953年8月,他被介绍给多萝西·乔丹,经过一次相亲,他求婚了. They were married the following February.

During his seminary years, he served as pastor of Wellborn Baptist Church from 1953 to 1955, and Kopperl Baptist Church from 1955 to 1957. 1957年至1960年,他在西南神学院和德克萨斯大学担任教职, where he held the Townes Chair of Bible.

1960年,博士. 弗莱彻的职业生涯始于美南浸信会对外宣教委员会. During his 15 years on the board, 他在1975年辞去特派团支助司司长职务之前担任过几个重要的行政职务. During his tenure at the board, 他游历了美南浸信会外国传教士服务的许多国家,以深入了解人员需求,并对宣教工作和传教士有更深入的了解.

从1975年到1977年,他担任田纳西州诺克斯维尔第一浸信会的主任牧师. 正是从这个牧师职位,杰西来到大,担任中文博彩平台第12任校长.

He served as president of Hardin-Simmons from 1977 to 1991, as chancellor from 1991 to 2001, and since 2001 has been president emeritus.

弗莱彻曾担任西南神学院全国校友组织的主席, as a trustee of Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, and was elected to the General Council of the Baptist World Alliance. He was named a distinguished alumnus of Southwestern Seminary, received an honorary doctor of literature from Rio Grande College of Ohio, 并于1978年在亚特兰大举行的美南浸信会大会上被选为大会布道者, 乔治亚州. In August of 2002, he received the Baptist General Convention of 德州’ George W. Truett Award for Religious Freedom.

在里士满期间,弗莱彻开始了他的写作生涯,迄今为止已经出版了10本书. 他的书, Bill Wallace of China, which came out in 1963, 在1968年与一部电影一起以平装本的形式出版之前,这本书先后出版了10本精装本和许多外国版本. The book was republished in the Baptist Classic series in 1995. In 1994, 弗莱彻的历史, The Southern Baptist Convention, was published to mark that denomination’s sesquicentennial.

A recognized Baptist historian, Fletcher has taught church history courses at Southwestern Seminary, Hardin-Simmons University, 和伯特利学院. 他曾在贝勒大学(Baylor University)的捐赠讲座和研讨会上发表演讲和出版物, Oklahoma Baptist University, Golden Gate Seminary, Southwestern Seminary and Abilene Christian University. 除了, he has penned numerous articles for newsletters, 报纸, periodicals and scholarly journals.

During his fourteen years as president of Hardin-Simmons University, 弗莱彻领导该机构重组为大学学术结构,并建立和资助教育学院, 神学与护理学. Other highlights include adding seven new facilities and numerous renovations, quadrupling endowments, significantly increasing faculty salaries and enrollment. 他还在1989年带领该机构进入NCAA的三级体育项目,包括足球. During his 10 years as chancellor, Fletcher has held a professorship in the Logsdon School of Theology, aided development efforts, and represented the University in numerous academic and community roles.

在同一时期, 杰西是明尼阿波利斯人寿保险公司(现为明尼苏达互助保险公司的子公司)的董事会主席。, 是NCAA一级跨美洲体育大会(现在的大西洋太阳大会)的主席和组织的关键力量, and was the first president of the Abilene Intercollegiate School of Nursing.

Jesse has been president and campaign director of Abilene’s United Way; vice chairman and founding director of the 社区 Foundation of Abilene; co-chairman of Abilene Choosing Tomorrow Now (a city planning group); chairman of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce; vice chairman of the 军事 Affairs Committee; was twice interim director of the G比赛 Museum as well as chairman of the board of that widely respected institution and currently is immediate past president and a founding director of the Abilene Psychiatric Center.

社区荣誉包括1997年阿比林联合劝募协会的志愿者服务奖, Fall Benefit Honoree of the G比赛 Museum in 1999, 2000年被全国基金募集经理人协会评为年度志愿基金募集者, and the Mental Health Association’s Outstanding Service Award in 2001. In 2002, he was named Abilene’s Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce.

In 1997, 杰西开始画画, joining the studio of celebrated Abilene artist, 伊芙琳Niblo, where he has focused on landscapes in oils. 他的画作曾在阿比林的格雷斯博物馆、圣. John’s School, and American State Bank. 他的作品也曾在德克萨斯州布雷肯里奇的布雷肯里奇美术博物馆展出. 他的许多充满活力的风景画都在公司和私人收藏家手中. 除了 to being a landscape painter, Jesse is an avid golfer, 业余天文学家, and also holds a commercial pilot’s license.

杰西和多萝西有两个孩子,拉伯克的乔丹·斯科特和阿比林的梅丽莎·杜普雷. The Fletchers have five grandchildren.

杰西担任中文博彩平台校长长达14年,是哈佛大学校长任期第二长的人, 仅次于J.D. Sandefer’s 31-year term. 他被称为一个有远见的人,他的影响力跨越了商业领域, 教育, 宗教, 以及公民义务. Jesse has said of the success of Hardin-Simmons University, “I feel God cares about the future of this endeavor, and I hold it up before Him constantly.” We are grateful for his prayers for Hardin-Simmons, his dedication to and love for this University, and most of all for his commitment to serve our Lord.

中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式将杰西·康拉德·弗莱彻(Jesse Conrad Fletcher)引入哈佛大学领袖堂.